Bring Your Learning to Life

Are you passionate about gaining hands-on experience in tech? If so, the Enova U internship program is for students like you.


Our interns quench their thirst for knowledge by identifying process improvements and solving organizational challenges. They utilize the latest technologies while working in teams over a period of 10 weeks. It’s an experience that goes beyond what they can learn in the classroom. See what some of our past interns have done at Enova.

Alberto Alvarez

This summer, I joined Enova as a marketing intern for the small business portfolio team. Throughout the summer, I was able to work hands-on with active email automated campaigns for Enova's small business brand, OnDeck. I analyzed both quantitative and qualitative data to better understand what is most motivating for potential OnDeck customers when looking for a loan provider. I was able to collaborate with other small business portfolio team members and the studios team to create new content based on my findings to deliver a better customer experience. When I received the new copies of emails from studios, I was very happy to see the changes based on my recommendations in the email content. Overall, I felt that Enova's internship program was an amazing learning opportunity for me, and I am grateful to have worked with so many great people during my 11 weeks at Enova!
Alberto Alvarez

Lillian Dolph

Software Engineering
This summer I worked as a software engineering intern with the small business team at Enova. At the start of the program, we had a couple of weeks of training. During training I was introduced to the languages I would be using for my intern project. I also learned about Agile and the workflow software engineers use at Enova. After training, I began working on my intern project. We made a system that could receive financial JSON documents and render them to human-readable PDFs. I had a lot of fun discussing solutions with Enova employees and my intern partner. Besides working on the project, Enova had many social events where I could meet employees and interns outside of my immediate team. Everyone I met was so nice and they made this summer so much fun!
Lillian Dolph

Jalen Goines

Software Engineering
My internship with Enova was nothing short of flawless. I was on the Simplic team and was tasked with developing an internal software system using Go, Vue and AWS to enable non-technical employees to change various hard-coded configurations without needing a formal release. Working on this project taught me many technical skills; however, I find myself valuing the soft skills, as well as the relationships I've built, far more. I truly believe I've been blessed to participate in such an amazing internship experience, and can honestly say that I will cherish this internship and the many memories that accompany it for the rest of my career.
Jalen Goines

Prasun Guragain

Software Engineering
My experience as a software engineering intern at Enova was really beneficial. The initial two-week Baseline program provided a strong foundation of all technologies that would be used in our project, like Git, Typescript, Go, AWS technologies, and more. For the remaining weeks, I worked with another intern on a project where we gained valuable skills in agile development and production-level implementations. Toward the end of the internship, it was amazing to see how much we achieved in such a short amount of time. This was made possible by the great support we received from our dedicated team. Furthermore, everyone at Enova was very encouraging, and I enjoyed the culture and the work environment.
Prasun Guragain

Prayut Jain

Delving deep into the financial sector's analytics realm, my recent internship at Enova was nothing short of transformative. Tasked with a pivotal role, I collaborated closely with the CashNetUSA installment team to sculpt a predictive model aiming to pinpoint high-risk customers. The journey led me through intricate mazes of data preprocessing, feature engineering and cutting-edge analytical techniques, refining my skills at each turn. Beyond the technical, I embraced cross-functional collaboration, understanding the nuanced dance between data and business objectives. With an ethical lens always in focus, I ensured our models were fair, unbiased and aligned with Enova's commitment to responsible financial services.
Prayut Jain

Andrew Kasper

Strategy & Operations
This summer, I was a part of the NetCredit line of credit strategies and operations team. I had a lot of fun with my project and had a lot of freedom in the way I went about tackling the problem. I was mainly focused on the loan processing side. I analyzed customers who get caught in reapplication loops and worked on ways to help save customers and loan processing representatives time. This all culminated in meaningful recommendations that I got to present at the end of my summer. I had great people around me who helped me along the way. Overall I could not be happier about how the summer went.
Andrew Kasper

Riaz Kelly

Software Engineering
My summer at Enova was an amazing learning experience professionally and personally. My partner and I worked on the ODI Real Time Flow Collaboration project, which showed users of the ODI Client other users who were also editing flow variations so they could collaborate more easily. I'm really happy I had the chance to work on a project relevant to the company. My favorite part of the project was handling errors because we got to think critically about the user's experience. Everyone at Enova was super welcoming and eager to help. I was definitely challenged, but I felt very supported and as a result, grew a lot over the course of the summer. Not only did I gain many valuable technical skills, but I learned a lot about what makes a workplace fun and engaging to be a part of.
Riaz Kelly

Emily Kohlberg

Data Engineering
This summer, I had the opportunity to join the financial data team for 11 weeks as a data engineering intern. I was able to work on two projects with assignments ranging from web development to data warehousing. After spending a couple of weeks on training, I started the first project, which involved building a self-service feature to generate an unpledged loan report. Through this project, I gained experience with full-stack development using Ruby on Rails, writing SQL queries and working in an Agile environment. My next project involved creating a data pipeline that enabled self-service stratification reporting. This allowed me to learn more about the ETL process and familiarize myself with MicroStrategy. My whole team was supportive throughout the entire summer, and I am grateful I had the opportunity to work with all of them at Enova.
Emily Kohlberg

Andrew Kramer

This summer, I had the chance to work with the wonderful people on the small business portfolio analytics team. In my project, I evaluated a vendor's new product to see how it could aid Enova in gauging credit risk among applicants. This process allowed me to practice and hone the skills I learned at school and become a better analyst, especially helping me improve my coding and data engineering abilities. The team I had the chance to work with was engaging and always willing to help me accomplish my goals however they could. I am proud of the work I completed this summer and am thankful Enova helped me learn valuable professional and technical skills!
Andrew Kramer

Jonah Long

My summer at Enova as a consumer marketing intern was a truly rewarding and valuable experience. I was tasked with increasing the amount of contracts signed by leads customers. From outlining the email campaign, to revising mock-ups from the Studios team, to getting queries written to power the email and then ultimately designing a test for it - I was able to see my project all the way through from ideation to implementation. One of the most rewarding experiences I've had in my young professional career was seeing the results of my campaign and seeing how beneficial my impact will be on Enova as a whole. I cannot thank my manager and team members enough for their constant support and help throughout the entire process. Overall, I really enjoyed my summer at Enova and am grateful for the opportunity to intern at such a great workplace.
Jonah Long

Matt Marzano

Strategy & Operations
This summer I was a strategy and operations intern for the NetCredit installment team. For my project, I worked with the customer service team to improve response speed and quality by recommending improved prioritization methods and support documentation. To create these recommendations, I spoke with relevant process owners to understand current issues, analyzed NetCredit's current email response processes and also had the opportunity to use SQL to identify problem trends. During my internship, I enjoyed learning how to use SQL in addition to learning how to project scope and structure business problems. Big thanks to my manager and everyone who was able to help me along the way!
Matt Marzano

Ankita Nambiar

This past summer, I had the opportunity to work with the CashNetUSA portfolio analytics team as an analytics intern. Over the course of 10 weeks, I focused on developing a supplemental underwriting model for customers who were on the cusp of loan approval. With the guidance of my team and my manager, I became proficient in utilizing CashNetUSA-specific Python libraries and functions to create additional features for my model. By the end of the internship, I completed the supplemental underwriting model and achieved a significant improvement over the existing model. With plans for model deployment in motion, I felt that my work held genuine value as an intern. As I conclude this internship, I am grateful for the opportunity to enhance my technical skills and collaborate with a supportive and friendly team.
Ankita Nambiar

Sowmya Natarajan

Software Engineering
During my summer working at Enova I learned many valuable skills. The first two weeks I went through baseline where I became familiar with the programming languages and the platforms that I was expected to use during my project. Then, I began working on my project. This was a full stack project which I was not used to working with; however, if I ever had questions both my intern captain and buddy were extremely helpful. I learned how to create API endpoints, work with an S3 bucket and create a UI in Vue. In addition, since it was a product in development I learned how to adapt to changes that are typically found in the creation of a product in a work environment. The support I felt from the team made it so that I was never afraid to ask questions and always knew what was expected of me. I really enjoyed my summer here and have learned skills that are invaluable and I will carry with me for the rest of my career.
Sowmya Natarajan

Lilly Orazen

Strategy & Operations
This summer, I had the opportunity to work as a strategy and operations intern on the CashNetUSA team. During my project, I analyzed the customer application flow and created recommendations to improve the front end of the application page. I enjoyed working on a project that directly impacts our customers' satisfaction. I focused on customer convenience by analyzing bottlenecks and time constraints within our application page. Additionally, I allocate much of my success as an intern to my team. They helped me navigate a new environment and answered all of my questions without hesitation. Thank you all for making this a great summer!
Lilly Orazen

Sarah Skaggs

Strategy & Operations
This summer I worked on two projects for the NetCredit line of credit product. During my first project, I worked to help improve the customer rewards program by tailoring it to our customers' needs and improving their experience. My second project involved a lot of exploratory data work and analysis that helped me provide supported recommendations to the team in order to reduce the number of customer contacts in the customer service contact center. My favorite part of these projects was creating the dashboards, those were a fun addition for me! I had a learning-filled summer at Enova.
Sarah Skaggs

Abby Smith

Software Engineering
This summer I had the opportunity to write production-level code in a great environment. After learning the technologies necessary for my project in the Baseline program, I created a full-stack website to help the NetCredit team access and visualize data more easily. The website uses Go to retrieve and transform the data, and Vue to display it on the webpage. This internship was a great experience, allowing me to do real work on a project people were excited about, and learn how to work on a project from start to finish in an agile environment. Enova culture was the best part and everyone was happy to help with any problem, or just start up a conversation to make us feel welcome. It was an incredible experience and I greatly appreciate everyone who supported me along the way.
Abby Smith

Paul Smith

Data Engineering
I had a great summer interning at Enova and have some sweet projects to show for it. First, I worked on adding a feature to an internal reporting tool– this involved diving into some full-stack development and working in Ruby on Rails with some light SQL. The second project involved creating an interactive dashboard meant to imitate a financial ledger with some added functionality. For this one, I learned and applied database design concepts that dictated how to house the data, built a pipeline to populate our data mart using a mix of SQL and Enova's proprietary ETL tool, and then built the dashboard which draws from that data mart in Microstrategy.
Paul Smith

Katherine Tomashevsky

Software Engineering
This summer I had the opportunity to join the underwriting services team and work on a project integrating Websockets into an internal tool. I collaborated primarily with my project lead and a fellow intern. Over the course of the internship, we wrote a Go Lambda to handle backend Websocket connections and messages using a DynamoDB database, worked in Vue.js to implement the front-end changes, implemented error checking and tested our code. I found a lot of satisfaction in working on a full-stack project and adding features to a large-scale product that is integral to operations at Enova. I learned so much in terms of both technical and professional skills, and I am grateful to have been able to work with so many talented developers!
Katherine Tomashevsky

Angela Voit

This summer I interned with the business forecasting team. I was tasked with creating a probability of default model for the Headway brand. I worked on a postgresSQL data pull, explored new modeling techniques and developed my deliverable by working with the teams outside analytics. These teams will use the model results going forward. I appreciated the flexibility of my team and the clear communication of the end-of-summer goals and week-to-week expectations. At Enova, I felt respected for my work and comfortable enough to ask questions. It is truly a great space to learn!
Angela Voit