Women Who Code

By: Preeti Dhiman, Software Engineer
After a hugely successful event with Testing with Rspec, we are returning with another meetup titled, “Testing with Cucumber.” This event will also be held at Enova’s headquarters at 175 W. Jackson Blvd on October 6th. If you didn’t have the opportunity to attend the first meetup, we hope to see you at Testing with Cucumber! Sign up using the link below and bring your friends because this time we are giving out Enova swag to participants.
Cucumber is a Behavioral Driven Development (BDD) framework, which provides the ability to write scenarios in plain English. The advantage of this is that these feature descriptions can be written and understood by non-technical individuals. There will be opportunities to practice and apply what you learn throughout the meetup with guided hands-on exercises.
The format of our meetups are very informal and relaxed, which gives attendees an opportunity to work in collaboration with other attendees to ask or offer help. In addition to the networking opportunity with your peers, you will also have some talented engineers who you can turn to for sustainable ideas and strategic insight. You will have the freedom to approach Enova volunteers to discuss any current challenges and roadblocks.
To attend, please RSVP here. See you there!