Enova Runs at J.P. Morgan Corporate Challenge
By: Addie CaDavid, Talent Coordinator June 10th, 2014
We aren’t all athletes, but Enova has its fair share of competitors, which means events like the J.P. Morgan Corporate Challenge garner plenty of interest within the company. This year’s race featured a group of 72 runners from Enova. There were over 25,000 participants altogether, hailing from 594 ...
Enova Unites with Chicago Cares
By: Mike Gilhooly, Public Affairs Manager May 5th, 2014
The Enova Gives program has resulted in partnerships with a host of generous nonprofit organizations, including Big Brothers Big Sisters, A Safe Haven and the Children’s Research Fund, to name a few. Now, we can add one more group to that list — Chicago Cares.
Committed to ...
Enovans Take On Tough Mudder
By: Kirk Chartier, Chief Marketing Officer June 3, 2014
Since 2010, teams of stouthearted men and women led by Alex King have taken on the Tough Mudder endurance event, facing obstacles built to intimidate and exhaust participants. Designed by British Special Forces, the course is a serious test of endurance and teamwork, with massive walls, ...