Using Chat To Take Our Team To The Next Level

By: Lawrence Walters, Software Engineering Manager

I first used AOL instant messenger (AIM) at work over 10 years ago to communicate privately with a co-worker. We were the only 2 contractors in a team of 30, and we had desks in a very public corridor, so our conversations being overheard was virtually guaranteed. Since then, I ...

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Game On: NERF War Week

By Steve Durko, Manager of Software Engineering

When our Chief Technology Officer John Higginson, asked during a meeting if someone could run a NERF game, my hand sheepishly went up.

“I’ll do it,” I said. Though I can honestly say at that point in time, I had no idea what I was getting into.

What ...

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Using Fresh Data to Make Real-time Decisions

By David Fisher, CEO

We hear the term “Big Data” a lot these days. It may be an overused term, but the incredible increase in the availability of data over the past ten years is unreal. Technology has enabled the collection of massive amounts of data from an ever-increasing list of sources, and people are ...

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Students Get Hands On at SOA Hack Night

By Lizzie Clark, Sr. Tech Recruiter

Students snatched pizza, guzzled energy drinks and fervently pecked away on their laptop keyboards during a service-oriented architecture (SOA) Hack Night at the Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology on March 26. One week later, the scene was much the same on the campus of Purdue University. Each Hack Night captured ...

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