My First Year with Enova

By: Jasmine Kent, Account Manager, Enova Decisions
Today on my one year anniversary, I want to take a journey down memory lane detailing how I got here. Before I accepted an offer with my previous company a few years ago, I remember speaking with Enova about another position they had available at the time. Enova had always been top of mind as a place I longed to work. Four years ago, I didn’t know what I wanted to do, and due to timing and that specific role not being the best fit for me at the time, I took a chance working at an experiential agency instead.
As life changed – introduction to my son Gideon – I felt I needed a career that would allow me to see him sometimes. That’s what it is to be a mom right? Enova never quite left my mind, so I took to the site to see new positions listed. There was a position available with Enova Decisions. What is this Enova Decisions? Sounded intriguing. What is more bizarre is this role perfectly aligned with my experience. You know when you look at a job description and find you fill most of the boxes and could sort of talk to other experiences you have that kind of check those other boxes? The anxiety thinking through that situation never happened. I was confident this role was for me.
I applied and shot a note to a friend of mine who works at Enova to let him know I applied. Completely did not think of the referral bonus, darn (sorry, Chris). Anyhow, on January 25th I applied and waited. February 6th I was introduced to the recruiter. February 7th had a call with said recruiter. February 10th I was brought in for an onsite interview. Finally, Valentine’s Day I was extended an offer. Forget about the flowers and chocolates, a job at Enova is what I wanted! What a whirlwind of emotion!
Now looking back, everything happened as it should. I am now helping businesses make real-time, data-driven decisions to help their bottom line. I am surrounded by some of the most intelligent individuals I have ever met. I look up to the leadership here at Enova and Enova Decisions and feel they have my best interest at heart. Most importantly, I have not stopped learning since my first day here. While it is definitely intense growing a new brand, I love that I still have the opportunity to do other things I am passionate about. Being a part of the Diversity Council and Women In Tech has been a great outlet for me to meet other wonderful individuals in the company, and it also fuels my desire to make a difference.
Thank you Enova for a great year, and I can’t wait to see what the future has in store for me.