Enova’s Sarah Doll Featured by HRM America

By: Kaitlin Arntz, Public Affairs
January 28, 2014
HRM America, a publication focused on the Human Resources profession, recently spotlighted Enova’s own Sarah Doll. In a five-minute Q&A, Doll is asked questions related to her position as the Senior Director of Talent Management at Enova and her general thoughts on the HR industry.
When asked what the most important thing an HR professional can do to be successful, Doll had a two-part answer.
“Understand your employees because they are your company’s greatest asset,” Doll replied. “Align all programs and policies with your values. If your company does not have established values, then create them. Values define who you are as a company and should be clear to all employees and potential recruits. They should be the litmus test for daily decisions and actions.”
Doll has played a key role in Enova’s growth through the years, bringing in exceptional talent and helping to create an environment of excellence.
Read the rest of Sarah Doll’s Q&A here.