Enova Women in Tech Plays Host to “Women Who Code Chicago” Event

By: Monica Sharma, UX Engineer
August 26, 2014
Finding opportunities to bring together women and men who code is an important step in addressing the gender imbalance so often found in our industry, but it’s also a great opportunity to meet talented, like-minded individuals. Our Women Who Code August 19 event was one such opportunity, bringing together women and men from all walks of life, from full-stack developers to astrophysicists and neurobiologists. The coders had experience in Ruby/Rails, Java, SQL and Postgres, and plenty of those in attendance were looking to learn something new.
After contacting Women Who Code Chicago about hosting their next event at Enova, it was decided that the August 19 event would be an open hack night, allowing attendees to bring their own projects, ask others for help and offer help themselves.
This relaxed format allows attendees to spend their time working on what interests them, and tends to result in fantastic collaboration. In addition to the boost it gives to networking, this spirit of collaboration helps us get real work done, which in turn garners interest in the next event.
We are currently planning to host another event highlighting women in technology at Enova sometime in September, but are always looking for other opportunities for women in tech to join forces and get down to work!
If you have an idea for a great Women in Technology event, or are interested in being a part of the next one, you can reach out to me at msharma@enova.com.