Enova Sponsors CRIM Symposium and Analytics Challenge

By: Joe DeCosmo, Chief Analytics Officer
Engagement with the local analytics community — including professional organizations and top universities — has always been a priority for Enova. That’s why we’re excited to support two upcoming opportunities in partnership with the University of Illinois at Chicago’s Center for Research in Information Management (CRIM): the CRIM Symposium and Analytics Challenge.
On Tuesday, March 17, CRIM and UIC’s Business Analytics Program will showcase innovations in big data research for Chicago-area analytics practitioners and leaders at its 2015 CRIM Symposium, “Big Data Analytic Insights.” Sponsored by Enova and other analytics-driven companies, the CRIM Symposium will bring together national thought leaders from academic and industry backgrounds to discuss emerging capabilities, social networks and visual analytics.
At the symposium, CRIM will also announce the grand prize winner of its first CRIM Analytics Challenge, open to UIC students. CRIM developed the competition in conjunction with Enova, which provided the data set and a structured set of business questions to be answered via the analysis of data. Teams comprised of up to four individuals have already entered and are now working to analyze the data.
The CRIM Challenge is unique in that it requires contestants to exercise skill in all the major steps of completing an analytics project in the real world: mathematics expertise, computer science skills, and business strategy and acumen.
All of us at Enova are excited to be contributing to students’ real-world learning and furthering analytics innovation in Chicago and beyond. We hope you’ll join us at the symposium. You can find more information and register to attend here.