Enova Originals with Trenton Blackmon

1. What does Enova’s 10-year anniversary mean to you?
I’m extremely proud to be a part of this continuously-growing organization. Having started just after the business began, I have witnessed growth in the customer base, the employee base and the number of products offered.
2. What’s one way that Enova has really changed in the past 10 years?
We have grown tremendously. We started off just offering payday loans in the U.S., and now we offer far more products and services in a number of other countries.
3. What’s your favorite memory from your time at Enova?
There is no particular favorite. Each day is filled with more exciting adventures. A collection of memories that stand out in particular is the training and assistance of new hires prior to the implementation of our training team. Part of our culture is rolling up our sleeves and pitching in, sometimes in ways that fall outside of our job descriptions, to get things done. This was especially true during Enova’s early days before some of our more targeted functions existed. I really enjoyed growing my skills in training and development.