Enova Originals with Andrew Dyminskiy

1. What does Enova’s 10 year anniversary mean to you?
It was June of 2005, the company was called Check Giant, LLC, and I was employee number two in IT and number five in Tech. We occupied half of one floor in Lake Bluff, Illinois, and for quite a while I knew everyone by their first and last name. Seeing now what the company has evolved into, I am truly impressed by our success and excited about the future. We owe every success story to our people, and I am proud to be part of the team of such great leaders, thinkers and advocates.
2. What’s one way that Enova has really changed in the past 10 years?
You mean beside the size, the names, the locations, and many business ventures? The one thing that encompasses it all — the growth. With a great foundation, forward-thinking strategies and most importantly, the right people, we have morphed into a continually growing giant with even greater opportunities to come.
3. What’s your favorite memory from your time at Enova?
That’s easy — Our founder was able to get his hands on a Ferrari for a day, and as a reward for a job well done on a project, he handed me the keys and told me to take it for a spin. We took to the streets of downtown and the Kennedy expressway. It was amazing! Afterwards, I sat in my brand new Hyundai still feeling trilled!