Enova Developers Recognized Internationally for Industry Innovation

By: Kaitlin Arntz, Public Affairs
January 16, 2014
The 17th International Conferences on Extending Database Technology and Database Theory are joining forces this year, bringing together database researchers, practitioners, developers and users to share their latest discoveries in the world of data management. With a paper entitled Talking to the Database in a Semantically Rich Way, Enova database architect Henrietta Dombrovskaya and developer Richard Lee have been included in this prestigious international event, and join the ranks of fellow data managers tasked with bringing their industry into the future.
While it would be an understatement to say that the contents of Dombrovskaya and Lee’s paper are complex, the overarching message of the paper is simple: We can improve the way we deliver our data. Essentially, Enova’s rapid growth as a company and swift acquisition of customers over the past few years has resulted in the company depending on a data-delivery system ill-equipped for the current volume. This lack of efficiency can lead, at times, to longer wait times for customers, and this is not an issue unique to Enova or the payday loan industry. Over the past year, Dombrovskaya, Lee and their team of developers have been able to spend much of their time working to solve this issue, a luxury Henrietta claims has much to do with the Enova approach to collaboration and innovation.
“The way to improve our application performance is in collaboration; going beyond our normal roles,” Dombrovskaya said. “Innovation is so appreciated. People are willing to try new approaches.”
The result of all this work is Talking to the Database in a Semantically Rich Way, a paper that presents a system perfectly positioned to restructure the way an application interacts with a database. While the results are still preliminary, thus far the new system shows a significant improvement on delivery speeds, with the potential to increase the speed of data delivery hundreds of times over.
After holding conferences in Cambridge, Prague, Berlin and Rome, this year’s joint conference will take place in Athens, Greece, from March 24 to 28.
More information can be found at the event website located here.