Category: Get to Know Enova

Getting to Know: Strategy & Operations

October 10, 2014

Want to know more about the folks who call Enova home? We asked Thomas Ervesun — one of Enova’s Strategy & Operations Managers — our five favorite “get to know you better” questions, and here’s what he had to say:

How did you come to work at Enova?

I was ...

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Getting to Know: Marketing

October 1, 2014

Want to know more about the folks who call Enova home? We asked Jennifer Dewey — one of Enova’s Senior Marketing Associates — our five favorite “get to know you better” questions, and here’s what she had to say:

How did you come to work at Enova?

Believe it or not, ...

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Meet the Enova Interns – Nathan Tornquist

July 29, 2014

I have been working at Enova for six weeks in software engineering. The core values were brought up often during the recruiting process, but even after the short time that I have been working it’s clear how solid those values are. Any company can employ programmers — it isn’t hard to offer ...

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Meet the Enova Interns: Sadia Anees

July 3, 2014

I currently attend Loyola University Chicago, majoring in Information Systems and Marketing. At Enova, I am part of the U.S. Marketing team. My first four weeks at Enova have flown by! I have had the opportunity to meet with talented individuals in the company, to be mentored by both of my buddies, and to witness the ...

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