Category: Enova Insider

Interning at Enova: Software Engineering

By: Austin Schwartz, Software Engineering Intern

Hello! My name is Austin and I started my internship at Enova back on June 1. This will be the first in a series of blog posts from the Enova interns.

I currently attend Purdue University, studying Computer Science. I’m on track to graduate in December, then start on ...

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A Successful Safe Haven Workshop

By: Eleanor Flaherty, People Resources Coordinator

Enova had the privilege of joining together with A Safe Haven to offer a career counseling workshop focused on interview tips and preparation skills. Three members of the Enova Recruiting team met with 15 eager program participants who were ready to learn the skills necessary to land the right ...

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Welcome Enova U Summer Interns!

By: Laura Ott, Sr. Corporate Recruiter / Intern Program Lead

By now, classrooms appear abandoned on most campuses. However, Enova’s offices are anything but empty with the arrival of our Enova U summer intern class!

Students from campuses around the country are packing up their innovative ideas and inquiring minds to join our Software Engineering, ...

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Game On: NERF War Week

By Steve Durko, Manager of Software Engineering

When our Chief Technology Officer John Higginson, asked during a meeting if someone could run a NERF game, my hand sheepishly went up.

“I’ll do it,” I said. Though I can honestly say at that point in time, I had no idea what I was getting into.

What ...

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