Category: Enova Insider

Enova’s Sabbatical Program

Laura (Franklin) Ott, Sr. Corporate Recruiter

At Enova, we have a Sabbatical program where we recognize our employees’ hard work by offering them four weeks of fully paid leave! The Sabbatical program is an opportunity for our employees to recharge. They are encouraged to travel, spend time with family or simply to do something different, away from the ...

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Holly Jolly Jubilee

By: Eleanor Flaherty, People Resources Coordinator

The holiday spirit was in full swing this year in our call center! We kicked off our Holly Jolly Days theme week with some friendly competition in the form of a gingerbread house-decorating contest. Teams showcased their incredible creativity and ingenuity to come up with great concepts like the ...

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What would you do for 10k?

By: Kaitlin Arntz, Public Relations Associate

I never knew I could feel this way. And no, I’m not talking about falling in love. I’m talking about the immense sense of pride and awe in my coworkers I felt on Thursday as we packed up our donations from Enova’s second annual Warm up Chicago hat and ...

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The Lowdown on Enova’s “Data Smackdown”

By: Liz King, Content Writer

Recently, Enova hosted their data analytics Meetup, Data Smackdown, drawing a group of 29 excited, like-minded professionals together for a night of knowledge-sharing and friendly, analytics-driven competition.

Participants worked in a collaborative environment, working hands-on with a dataset to solve a real-world problem with the technology of their choice. At the ...

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