Big Brothers Big Sisters: Enova Partnership

By Lauren R, Talent Coordinator
October 11th, 2012
HI! My name is Lauren and I am the Talent Coordinator here at Enova in our Talent Management Department. If you have any questions about the fun Perks we provide for our employees, just ask me. I am your Perk guru!
After having been involved in numerous clubs and organizations in college, I always wondered whether I would carry that into my adult life. I felt it would be much harder to find my way into a project I cared about and had time for now that a full time job was on my hands! There was also the question of ‘where do I even begin to look to get involved in a project somewhere?’
The answer to that question was right under my nose. Enova!
Enova partners with a local Big Brothers Big Sister’s program. This on-site mentoring program helps children in need reach their full potential through providing one-on-one partnerships with Enova employees. After going through the interview process and being accepted into the program, I was quite nervous to meet my “little.” There are always those initial questions:
‘Will my little like me?’
‘Am I going to be too much of a chatterbox?’
‘What if my little is too rambunctious and I can’t handle them?’
Yesterday afternoon was the kickoff for this year’s Big Brother’s Big Sister’s partnership. Some of us anxiously waited to meet our new “littles,” while others reunited with theirs from last year. Overall, it was a fantastic experience to finally meet all of the youngsters!
In the end, the kickoff was a great success! We played ‘Get to Know You’ trivia and a Memory Name game that the kids absolutely loved. I think us adults actually loved both as much as the kids!
For the upcoming months, I am excited to see the bright smiling faces of these young kids. I cannot wait to see how my “little” will grow over this next year. The ability to be a positive role model in a child’s life has meaning beyond words! Thank you Enova for offering this great service to not only our employee’s and the Big Brother’s Big Sister’s organization, but mainly to those children we have the privilege of mentoring!