Author: lnieboer

List of Top 50 Most Engaged Workplaces™ Includes Enova

By: Kaitlin Arntz, Corporate Affairs January 15, 2014

Based out of San Francisco and Toronto, Achievers Software and Service™ provides employers with software built to inspire their employees. Achievers understands the impact on employees of maintaining an engaged workplace, and each year releases their list of the Top 50 Most Engaged Workplaces™ in the United ...

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Enova Ranked Second in Chicago for Gen Y Talent

By: Kaitlin Arntz, Public Affairs January 14, 2014

Brill Street + Company, a Chicago-based talent-recruiting firm, has posted their list of the Top 50 Chicago Employers for Gen Y Emerging Talent, and Enova is thrilled to find themselves right near the top of the list at number two.

Generation Y individuals — those born after ...

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Employees Stick to Resolutions with Enova Perks

By: Kaitlin Arntz, Public Affairs January 8, 2014

We all know what a challenge it can be to make and keep your New Year’s resolutions. The first few days or weeks may be filled with healthy choices and visits to the gym, but the routine eventually gets tiring and we often fall back into our ...

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