Anniversary Series: Marc Groulx

As Enova celebrates its 20th Anniversary, we will share stories from some of our most tenured team members to highlight their contributions and reflect on the company’s journey.

Name: Marc Groulx
Years at Enova: 17
Starting Year: 2007

Can you share what brought you to Enova?
I wanted to work for a startup in a fast-growing industry that had a high chance of success. 17 years later, I’d say the startup has been successful.

What projects are you most proud of, and why?
Being here 17 years, I’ve had the opportunity to be a part of many projects that have helped the company and our customers. Three projects immediately come to mind: the UK product launch, launching our first bank partnership and launching our first credit facility. With the UK project, we created a product from scratch in about 4 months, proving we could be innovative and that our core capabilities could scale. Launching our first bank partnership was a true achievement in putting in place an innovative operating model that would set us up for future success as Enova. Finally, launching our first credit facility enabled Enova to cascade that initial facility into future growth.

How would you describe the culture at Enova?
Low ego, high output.

What are your favorite events or traditions here?
The company holiday party is always an event people look forward to. I’ve built so many relationships over the years and it allows me to connect with the great people that make Enova an Awesome Place to Work.

What is your favorite memory of your time at Enova?
I have so many great ones that it’s hard to pick a favorite, but hosting a game show-themed town hall – complete with sequinned jackets, skinny mics, Plinko and other games – was definitely a memory that stands out. It gave us the opportunity to show our appreciation for the hard-working operations team while also creating connections between the work they do, our strategy and the customers we serve.

What are you most excited about for the future of Enova?
I’m excited to continue the growth we have experienced over the past 20 years for the next 20 years and beyond. We are uniquely positioned as a company and in the markets we serve to grow our customer base and innovate with new products, services and customer experiences.

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